The CIO Scholarship Fund (the Fund) is dedicated to providing scholarships for students that meet the following criteria:
1) student is pursuing a degree in information technology or computer science related fields,
2) in academic good standing, and
3) has an economically disadvantaged status.
California’s current financial state has resulted in a reduction of funding to many State agencies including colleges and universities. The educational institutions are strapped for funds to pay professors so that they can continue to provide enough classes for students. This has a tremendous impact on the number of scholarships that a school can offer. The Fund historically provided endowments in $25,000 increments, although last year we did additional amounts to help address the growing need. Currently, students who are receiving money from the Fund are enrolled at Ohlone College, DeAnza College, San Jose State University, San Francisco State University, and University of California at Berkeley. The Fund is planning to expand its capabilities thanks to the support we are receiving from our generous and growing community.